Nebraska Masonic Foundation
About Us

The Foundation was formed in 1985 by a group of Brothers as a charitable foundation and is tax-exempt under IRC 501c(3). Nebraska Masons are members of the Foundation by virtue of their gift(s) to the Foundation. They are entitled to attend the annual meeting, held during the Annual Communication, and to vote for members of the Board of Directors. The Foundation's Board of Directors is elected by the general membership of the Foundation. Board members are elected to represent the broad interest of the public rather than the personal or private interest of a limited number of donors.

Foundation funds are used for sponsoring educational scholarships, scholarships for the Masonic All-Star Marching Band and the CHIP program.

The Foundation also maintains a library and museum at the Grand Lodge office location for the preservation of historical Masonic artifacts, literature and membership records. The Library and Museum is open to the public on an appointment basis and can be used for research into Masonry.

The Foundation has been a contributor to the George Washington Memorial and the Nebraska D.A.R.E. Project. It has provided financial assistance in reimbursement for Friendship/Prospect Nights held by subordinate lodges, and provided funding for the national Grand Master's Conferences.

The Foundation survives totally on gifting. There are several ways a tax-exempt gift can be made to the Foundation: gifts of cash, appreciated properties and securities, life insurance policies, annuity trusts and unitrusts, real estate, charitable lead trusts, and bequests.

If you’d like to contribute to the Nebraska Masonic Foundation or include it in your estate planning, please contact the Foundation office at 402-475-4640.